痛貼貼溫感貼片劑 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


新萬仁化學製藥股份有限公司 台中市豐原區文賢街158號 (55323709) - dl-camphor ;;l-menthol ;;mentha oil;;methyl salicylate;;glycyrrhetic acid (eq to glycyrrhetinic acid);;tocopherol acetate;;4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl nonylic acid amide - 貼片劑 - 主成分 (每100g (0.70237m2)膏體含:) ; dl-camphor (8408000103) gm; l-menthol (8408000302) gm; methyl salicylate (8424400200) gm; tocopherol acetate (8820000200) gm; glycyrrhetic acid (eq to glycyrrhetinic acid) (9200004500) gm; mentha oil (9600068700) gm; 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl nonylic acid amide (9901023500) gm - preparations with salicylic acid derivatives - 肌肉酸痛、肩膀酸痛、關節痛、神經痛、撞傷、挫傷。

貝貝痛錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


寶齡富錦生技股份有限公司居禮廠 新北市淡水區中山里中洲子3之1號 (43211700) - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin);;ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) - 錠劑 - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 30mg; ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) (2808600900) 21mg; hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin) (4040000412) 30mg - paracetamol, combinations excl. psycholeptics - 退燒、止痛(緩解頭痛、牙痛、咽喉痛、關節痛、神經痛、肌肉酸痛、月經痛)

風走痛錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


寶齡富錦生技股份有限公司居禮廠 新北市淡水區中山里中洲子3之1號 (43211700) - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin);;ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) - 錠劑 - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 150mg; ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) (2808600900) 105mg; hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin) (4040000412) 150mg - paracetamol, combinations excl. psycholeptics - 退燒、止痛(緩解頭痛、牙痛、咽喉痛、關節痛、神經痛、肌肉酸痛、月經痛)

小兒用利兒寧顆粒 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


三新化學製藥廠 鳳山巿瑞安路102號 - ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide);;hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin);;chlorpheniramine maleate;;dl-methylephedrine hcl;;guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin);;caffeine anhydrous;;thiamine hydrochloride;;riboflavin (vit b2) - 內服顆粒劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) 1.25mg; dl-methylephedrine hcl (1212001813) 5mg; ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) (2808600900) 90mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 15mg; hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin) (4040000412) 90mg; guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin) (4800001420) 25mg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 2.5mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) 1.25mg - 感冒諸症狀(流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咽喉病、咳嗽、喀痰、發熱、頭痛)之緩解

平痛單散 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


東榮製藥企業股份有限公司 嘉義巿民雄鄉雙福村中山路38號 (66372059) - ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide);;hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin);;caffeine anhydrous;;thiamine mononitrate - 散劑 - ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) (2808600900) 270mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 30mg; hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin) (4040000412) 270mg; thiamine mononitrate (8810101001) 6mg - 解熱、鎮痛(頭痛、牙痛、月經痛、神經痛、腰痛、咽喉痛、關節痛、肌肉痛)之緩解。

伊索必寧錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


福元化學製藥股份有限公司 新北市瑞芳區大寮路95-1號 (00403405) - propyphenazone (isopropyphenazone);;ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide);;chlorpheniramine maleate;;caffeine anhydrous;;thiamine mononitrate;;hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin) - 錠劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) 2mg; propyphenazone (isopropyphenazone) (2808200800) 100mg; ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) (2808600900) 80mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 25mg; hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin) (4040000412) 100mg; thiamine mononitrate (8810101001) 5mg - other cold preparations - 緩解感冒之各種症狀(頭痛、發燒、咽喉痛、肌肉痛、關節痛、鼻塞、流鼻水)

安摩樂外用液劑 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


台灣小林藥業股份有限公司 臺北市中正區衡陽路51號11樓之4 (53558286) - methyl salicylate;;l-menthol;;dl-camphor ;;chlorpheniramine maleate;;thymol;;4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl nonylic acid amide - 外用液劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) mg; thymol (8404801200) mg; dl-camphor (8408000103) mg; l-menthol (8408000330) mg; methyl salicylate (8424400200) mg; 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl nonylic acid amide (9901023500) mg - preparations with salicylic acid derivatives - 肩膀酸痛、腰痛、打撲傷、肌肉疼痛、挫傷、蚊蟲咬傷。

感風膠囊 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


依必朗化學製藥股份有限公司 彰化縣福興鄉萬豐村福工路11號 (58020721) - ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide);;hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin);;chlorpheniramine maleate;;dl-methylephedrine hcl;;guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin);;caffeine anhydrous;;thiamine disulfide;;riboflavin (vit b2) - 膠囊劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) 2.5mg; dl-methylephedrine hcl (1212001813) 10mg; ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) (2808600900) 180mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 30mg; hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin) (4040000412) 180mg; guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin) (4800001420) 50mg; thiamine disulfide (8810100800) 5mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) 2.5mg - other cold preparations - 緩解感冒之各種症狀(鼻塞、流鼻水、打噴嚏、喀痰、咽喉痛、發熱、頭痛、關節痛、肌肉痛)

來治風錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


居禮化學藥品股份有限公司淡水廠 新北市淡水區忠山里中洲子路三之一號 (03276706) - ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide);;hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin);;caffeine anhydrous;;thiamine mononitrate - 錠劑 - ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) (2808600900) 130mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 20mg; hydroxybutyric acid beta- p-phenetidide (bucetin) (4040000412) 130mg; thiamine mononitrate (8810101001) 3mg - bucetin, combinations excl. psycholeptics - 頭痛、齒痛、拔齒後之疼痛、生理痛、關節痛、神經痛、腰痛、筋肉痛、肩凝痛、打撲痛、骨折痛、外傷痛、咽喉痛、耳痛之鎮痛、解熱

賀氏血得利10% 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


臺灣費森尤斯卡比股份有限公司 台北市大安區仁愛路三段30號5樓32號5樓 (12980985) - o-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-amylopectin hydrolysate - 注射劑 - o-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-amylopectin hydrolysate (8084000110) (pentastarch)100mg - hydroxyethylstarch - 血容積低下及休克、血液稀釋。